Parallel Wireless to provide 4G LTE in Ghana

African countries face severe constraints in the development of even the fixed-line infrastructure. However, African countries also have the opportunity to leapfrog the development of fixed-networks, into new technologies such as 4G/LTE with its massive potential for communication and data transmission that will benefit developing economies.
The competition in the telecom industry in Africa has, however, intensified, making service providers searching for innovative strategies, reduce deployment and maintenance costs, just to survive. This is a problem in and of, itself.
The solution? A unique low-cost, low foot-print and virtualised multi-technology solution that helps to deliver coverage to these areas, by making deployments easy and affordable to install, maintain and to upgrade to any future technology without any additional hardware.
What makes the Parallel Wireless Open RAN solution unique?
Added to this, is the ease at which CWS can be installed and maintained. This enables much more cost-effective networks for places where business models are challenging and allows faster return on the network investment for mobile operators.
Funmi Lamptey, director at Telesol, explains that the on-boarding of Telesol in the Broadband Wireless (BWA) space in Ghana, is like sunrise again for heavy data users across ages, as well as an answer to the desire of many Ghanaians to have an indigenous company survive in the telecoms industry in Ghana. She further emphasised the choice of Parallel Wireless to be a strategic decision based on efficiency, innovation, support and cost-effectiveness.
Christoph Fitih, sales director for Africa at Parallel Wireless, emphasises Telesol commitment to innovate to build capacity and expand its infrastructure to be able to serve its customers growing complex needs across various locations within Ghana and the sub-region with the fastest 4G LTE service.
He further explained that African countries need to adopt new technologies to prevent a further marginalization of Africa from the world economy and to eliminate the widening of the current digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world. He expressed how proud and committed Parallel Wireless is to its role in innovating in the Open RAN ecosystem to help eliminate the digital divide