Internet-based education introduced to high schools in Ghana
The move by the Ghana government to effectively transform its learning of information communication technology (ICT), particularly at several high schools in Ashanti Region, Greater, Brong Ahafo and Central regions, as a piloting project on internet-based software by Internet Study Mate Technology (ISM), received approval by academic and policy makers.
MD and founder of the Internet Mate Project, Gilbert Adah told ItWeb Africa that the project was a partnership, comprising the ministries of education, health, Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) and his company, to introduce the use of modern technology to bring together high school students, irrespective of their locations to share ideas, exchange academic work, discuss study materials and have access to quality teaching.
Adah said the recent launch of the project in Accra sought to bridge the knowledge and achievement gap between high and low performing schools across the country.
Creating equal opportunity
He also said the move sought to create an equal quality learning environment to students as well as empowering them with the essential knowledge and skills in technology to become effective in the digital world.
"Internet Study Mate Programme is an example of how we can harvest the power of technology to meet the challenges of the 21st century, transcend barriers and make better quality education available and accessible to anyone, anywhere," said Adah.
He urged Ghana's education ministry to leverage appropriate technologies for engaged learning saying this would push for the innovative transformation of the country's educational system by paving way for models to integrate ICT into the curriculum for engaged learning in schools.
Speaking at the launch, Professor Agyeman Badu Akosa called upon the Ghana Education System to embrace the new technology.
He said the newly introduced technology in Ghana should be extended to all levels for the benefit of everybody urging students to make good use of the opportunity to better their academic lives.
Source: CAJ News Agency

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