Kenya's supreme court quashes ruling that voided 2023 finance lawHumphrey Malalo and Elias Biryabarema Sponsors announced and categories still open for Curating the Future21 Nov 2024
UPDATED: Kenyan court strikes down housing levy in finance lawHumphrey Malalo and Bhargav Acharya 28 Nov 2023
Kenya appeals court unfreezes finance law that sparked unrestHumphrey Malalo and Hereward Holland 28 Jul 2023
#AfricaMonth: Bowmans' new heavy hitter, Francis Wang'ombe Kariuki, on the future of African competition lawShan Radcliffe 30 May 2023
Uganda's president asks for changes to LGBT bill so identity is not criminalisedElias Biryabarema 28 Apr 2023
To ban or not to ban plastic shopping bags? Implications and proposed solutionsAsphat Muposhi, Mercy Mpinganjira, Marius Wait 23 Jun 2021
Kenyan authorities set to regulate free-and-easy fintechAriana Issaias and Dominic Indokhomi 20 May 2021
South Sudan's chief justice is overstepping his bounds: why it matters for the rule of lawMark Deng 13 May 2021
Africa's new free trade area - streamlining trade and infrastructure developmentKieran Whyte and Jen Stolp 8 May 2018