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Food, Water & Energy Security
Nearly 20 million more people hit by food crises last year

Residential Property
Ghana's new rental scheme won't fix the real problem: a housing shortage
Nicky Morrison, Emmanuel Kofi Gavu, Lewis Abedi Asante, and Richmond Juvenile Ehwi 5 May 2021

Women are a mainstay of fishing in West Africa. But they get a raw deal
Ifesinachi Okafor-Yarwood and Sayra van den Berg Bhagwandas 4 May 2021

Research & Development
Climate-friendly farming strategies can improve the land and generate income for farmers

Events & Conferencing
Top tech African entities collaborate to boost digital transformation for 2021 and beyond
Topco Media 28 Apr 2021

Infectious Diseases
Scabies: the neglected tropical disease no one wants to talk about