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No 'false' knight in Micatex ad

Cudoes to the makers of the Plascon Micatex ad for being so upfront about their use of "simulated hail".

Such honesty in advertising is rare. For non-DIY enthusiasts who might have missed the ad, it shows an actual knight in armour being overcome by fake hail while the painted wall in the background lasts and lasts. The knight in almost shining armour that they use to epitomise the resiliency of their paint is most certainly a genuine, real-life knight, or they would have had a message appear briefly saying "posed scenario", or "re-enactment", in much the same way that they have been totally open about their use of simulated hail.

Other filmmakers might have sat on the highveld for days waiting for a photogenic hailstorm to come along, but these guys simply made their own weather. And then, displaying foresight that is rare in the game, they carefully point out that the hail is 'simulated'. Round table greybeards at the ASA might have demanded substantiation, but this little disclaimer deftly deflects that possibility.

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