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How many adverts can you squeeze into a cinema full of people waiting to watch the Matrix?!

I admit I did not count but it was about ten too many!!!

By the time the matrix started I was ready to kill myself. You can't change the channel, you can't leave because you certainly do not want to miss the trailers. Basically you can't do anything except sit there and be tortured by the Dorittos ad and many other made for television crappy ads.

During this particular show, Cavendish, 12h30 Saturday afternoon 25 June, there were 2 trailers that lasted a total of about 2 minutes. The rest of the 20 or so minutes was advertisements.

Isn't there a law on how many ads are allowed to air in a certain space of time? And these weren't ads that you do not normally see. These were the ads that you have come to memorise because they are on television all at the same time on every channel.
Is there no escaping the pain of it all???

Advertising police, please help!

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