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Digital leading the sporting fan race

A recent survey by The SpaceStation into the habits of the readers reveal that they are highly engaged sporting fans across multiple technology platforms.

SuperSport fans who engage online are avid multi-screen players. Half of the respondents surveyed showed they were moving away from solely using the TV as their sport-viewing device and were embracing the multiple device viewing trend by using their smartphones too. Smartphones were not the only mobile devices used for multi-screen viewing with 37% of them using their laptops and 19% their tablets while watching sport on TV. The same survey also showed that sports news on-the-go was important with the readers accessing the site via their phones several times a day.

"It is clear from this survey that our readers really value on-the-go sporting content," says Gustav Goosen, CEO of The SpaceStation who exclusively represents "However, the mobility of their access does not affect how long the readers spend on the site. The easy to consume and highly engaging content means that the dwell rate is particularly high with the average site duration clocking in at 6.03 minutes." he adds.

This higher than normal average visit duration (compared to other sporting platforms on Effective Measure) clearly talks to the popularity of video highlights and live streaming offered by the site, which is content that very few other websites have access to. The scores, logs and fixtures are also particularly popular sections of the site with live scoring coming up tops in the survey (76% of the respondents listed this as content they favour).

The survey also revealed that the readers are heavy internet users, with 30% spending four or more hours online everyday and they access the internet mainly from their homes (70%) while 65% of them access from the office and 30% from their phones. This clearly illustrates a tech savvy audience who are keen on accessing sport on multiple platforms, and on a regular basis.

Interestingly most of the readers seem to prefer the comfort of home viewing with half of them opting to watch on TV while only 10% like to watch live from the stadium. "We like to see ourselves as the platform that makes it worthwhile to watch the game at leisure and in comfort," says Mark Botha, sales director at The SpaceStation "The nature of our content ensures that our readers don't miss out on any of the juicy details whether they are at home in front of the TV or in the office, or even in their cars."

The SpaceStation who exclusively represent, have developed an infographic to reflect the survey results. The graphic can be found at

Editor's notes:

Some other interesting results from the SuperSport survey:

  • The SuperSport readers are 18% female and 82% male.

  • 35% of them are 50+.

  • 79% of them own their own home and 40% of them earn more than R30 000 per month.

  • 86% of them have a PC or laptop at home, 90% own a TV while 47% have an iPod and 57% a video camera.

About The SpaceStation:

The SpaceStation is the largest premium display advertising sales house in Sub-Saharan Africa.

As Naspers' lead digital media sales company in Africa, through an innovative partnership between and DStv Media Sales, The SpaceStation is able to offer clients - whether advertisers or media planners - an effective, single point of access to the biggest online and mobile portals in Africa.

Their full service team of more than 40 staff offer creative, customised, innovative and engaging advertising solutions to strategically targeted audiences across a range of premium digital platforms including web, mobile, app, email and interactive TV. This provides the opportunities for powerful cross platform and multi-channel integration of campaigns.

With over 17 million International and 9 million South African Unique Browsers each month, The SpaceStation exclusively represents more than 27 of Africa's favourite websites, mobi-sites and mobile apps, affording their clients unrivalled, strategic and competitive access to Africa's online population.

For more information, visit

10 Mar 2014 10:22
